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The Heart Breachers is an organization committed to keep humankind safe from the harmful manifestations of their own emotions. Contained within every burst of feelings is an Ignite, the purest form of energy. Negative feelings bear Lingerings, and positive feelings produce Astrays. Astrays are typically tame, but Lingerings can wreak havoc in the real life while driving its host to madness. These projected forms pale in comparison to the Ignites, which might have to be dealt with directly in extreme cases. Often unruly and violent, killing an Ignite means killing its host’s ability to feel emotions permanently…



Ryker Lock

Orphaned at a young age, Ryker Lock is hot-headed and bent on cleansing the world of Lingerings. Suspended and demoted due to some rash actions on his part. Can Cassius Keyes make him see the errs of his ways?


CV: Stephen Pena

Voice Sample


Cassius Keyes

Ryker Lock's new partner. Care-free and confident, Cassius is the everything Ryker is not. Complete polar opposite. Will he be able to open up Ryker's heart?



CV: Ryoma Ishizuka  

Voice Sample



Known as Gold's Jester Prince, the one who dethroned a mad king. Fox is an uptight perfectionist. Even though his word is law, several of Fox's subordinates tend to counter his orders and are often unwilling to serve him. 
Despite his icy cold demeanor, Fox does show compassion towards the victims and upholds his duties with the utmost care, which are precisely the traits that Fox deems Ryder lacks. He's extremely devoted to Goldie; however, he also harbors some newfounded attraction towards his right-hand man, Snow White.



CV: To Be Announced

Voice Sample



Heart Breacher's top assailant and Black's current alpha. Goldie's known for her small stature, being only 143 cm tall, and amazing combat skills. Her accuracy and precision are also the best in the field. Goldie has a tendency to act rashly in death-defying situations. But despite that, she always manages to come out on top, thanks to her strangely sharp instincts saving her and her squad every time. Yes, her leadership skills is indeed questionable, but then, who could resist such a cute, deadly girl like her anyway?



CV: Erin Evans-Walker

Voice Sample



Camilia's partner and Black's navigator. Angel's pleasant demeanor is actually a facade to hide her cold-hearted, emotionally scarred self. Although, she understands some of the Ignites' feelings, she chooses to not show any empathy towards them or the Ignites' host. She would much rather focus on getting the job done, and perhaps, finding a warm body to share her bed with.


CV: Elissa Park

Voice Sample

More characters to come soon! 

© 2019 by Ceylon Entertainment

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